Maungdaw district and township admin heads led a protest march for security beef up

Occurred in Myanmar on Feb. 10, 2016 at 11:35 a.m.
Reported by nay mg via Internet on Feb. 11, 2016 at 10:05 a.m.
# Security # Maungdaw

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
A group of 300 civil servants participated in a protest march on 5 February. The protest, led by the Maungdaw District and Township Administration heads, included a march along the town’s Western Street. The protestors mainly included school teachers and they were carried the placards with slogans “for peace and prosperity of the country, border security, to hold a conference of all national races”. The message on the placards are not handwritten but they were painted. The protesting civil servants marched to Thiri Mingalar Hall where they hold a meeting. A heavy security presence was seen around the hall. Many local people are critical of the protest by the civil servants, they say security has already being very tight from the time NaSaKa forces (now defunct) were deployed in Maungdaw. Local residents are concern that the protest was designed to put pressure on the incoming government to maintain the current government’s oppressive policies against Rohingya people. And the policy of citizen verification by NaSaKa has led many people in the area to fled into Bangladesh instead of illegal immigrant came across the border into Myanmar. The current government allows Bengali Rakhine to come back into Myanmar and they were given citizenship without a condition and also provide them with home built on lands land owned by Rohingya people.
Resolution added by - nay mg
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