A Catholic nunnery ransacked following murder of child in Nyaungwun village, Paukkhaung Township

Occurred in Myanmar on Sept. 27, 2015 at 9 p.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on Sept. 28, 2015 at 2:30 p.m.
# attack # Religious

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
A Catholic nunnery is ransacked in Paukkhaung Town, Pyay District in Western part of Bago Region following a murder of a child. The incident took placed on 27 September, the nunnery which situated in the village 15 miles away from Paukkhaung, which is situated on Pyay‐ Paukkhaung‐ Taungoo highway. At around 8:30 p.m. that night a group of local resident entered in to the nunnery and destroy religious material, furniture as well as hostels for nuns and children. Eyewitnesses said the group left after 9:00 p.m. They carried out the attack to show anger killing of a 4 year old girl in the nunnery. A school official said the Catholic nunnery provide shelter to poor children from nearby villages,currently it has 13 children living there. The murdered child was 4 year old (name not mentioned) she was killed by a 14 year old boy (name not mentioned). The boy recently came to the nunnery together with his sister they were brought by an NGO to prevent them from contracting HIV from their parents. The murdered child has been missing since 24 September and her body was found near a statue of Virgin Mary on 27 September afternoon, the incident created tension in the community. The boy is currently held at Paukkhaung police station under juvenile act and charged with criminal code provision 302. This is the first incident of this kind reported in the areas.
Resolution added by - sai san
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