Head monk of Chan Mya Thar Yar monastery try to do unjust action a fourteen year old girl

Occurred in Myanmar on Dec. 12, 2015 at 11:30 a.m.
Reported by nay mg via Internet on Dec. 20, 2015 at 4:25 p.m.
# Religious

This report is Impossible to verify and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
Head monk of monastery at Chan Mya Thar Yar ward, Pyi Gyi Tagon Township, Mandalay Division tried to do unjust action a fourteen year old girl who lived at the same ward with him. He tried to do unjust action forcibly to rape her on his bed at the hall of monastery. He also tried second time to rape her on the bed at monastery’s hall at 2:00 pm at Dec 12. And that monk also touched her breast and kissed cheek again at 3:00 pm at Dec 17 while that girl went to pluck to monastery. So her mother sue that monk by law, section (pa) 691/2015 and section 376/511 at Pyi Gyi Tagon township’s main police station and Township Monks Association took off monk dress to him and changed as a normal people and interrogated for that case. At recent time, one head monk of monastery was arrested by the case of using narcotic drugs. Ref: Mandalay Alin newspaper, Dec 20
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
I have also heard this