In Ngao a Pokomo teacher's goats were stolen by either Somalis or Ormas and taken across the river to Kipao. After several days of searching its believed the goats were released to go graze with others but returned to the owner on their own.

Occurred in Kenya on Feb. 24, 2014 at midnight
Reported by Anonymous via Internet on March 5, 2014 at midnight
# Orma # Pokomo # cattle # cattle-rustling # theft

This report is Impossible to verify and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
Time has passed since the incident, so further details are necessary to validate
Resolution added by - Timothy Quinn
I have also heard this
A couple of questions about this: (1) This rumour mentions both the initial problem (the goats being stolen) and the ultimate resolution (some of them returning home). Is this based on separate reports or was the whole incident reported after the goats had ultimately returned home? (2) Have there been any further reports or developments related to this, perhaps hinting at tensions it may have caused?
Christopher Tuckwood | March 20, 2014, 9:34 p.m.
I got the report after the matter was at rest. The whole situation created some tension because Ngao people are not allowed to cross to Kipao for any reason and so the best was to retaliate in case goats from Kipao crossed to Ngao. No further developments on this rumor
John Green | March 28, 2014, 2:09 p.m.
Can status be changed to closed?
Timothy Quinn | May 4, 2014, 2:19 p.m.