Organizer for U Wirathu sermon put on trial

Occurred in Myanmar on April 11, 2017 at 2 p.m.
Reported by nay mg via Internet on April 12, 2017 at 9:10 a.m.
# Wirathu # MaBaTha

This report is Confirmed true and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
The court in Einme Township in Ayeyarwady Region has begun hearing on a case against U Maung Win. He is accused of organizing an event in the township on 11 March, where an ultra-nationalist monk U Wirathu delivered sermon. A recorded sermon of U Wirathu was delivered at the event and the monk attended with his mouth sealed with tape. It was organized in defiance of ban to speak in public imposed on him by the highest monk body in the country early March. The head of the village administration of Thigone village, where the sermon event was held, acted as the plaintiff in the case. U Maung Win pleaded not guilty on the first day of the trial. The court asked him why he organised the event despite of the local authorities refused to grant permission for the event. There have been strong criticism on the social media on the trial. Many social media users expressed their view in support of U Maung Win. They include one Facebook user Khay Soe Lay Khae Nge who wrote against the court proceeding. His post got wide ranging interest and support. The Ayeyarwady Region Government has decided not to grant permission to the event as the monk supervisory committee the State Sangha Mahanayarka Committed has imposed ban on U Wirathu from delivering sermons. The monk earned notoriety for his anti- Muslim rhetoric. The next court hearing for U Maung Win is due for 5 May. Reference: BRHN
Resolution added by - nay mg
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