Ma Ba Tha midnight gathering in Ayeyarwady region

Occurred in Myanmar on May 30, 2016 at 12:30 p.m.
Reported by nay mg via Internet on May 31, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
# Religious # discrimination # MaBaTha

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
A two-day Buddhist congregation held in Einmei Township Ayeyarwady Region included a sermon by Mya Nan Monk from Thaton who is famous for his anti- Islamic rhetoric. Following the sermon on 30 April the monk met the members of 969 movement met at the Sasana Alinyoung monetary until the midnight. According to a local resident, the meeting discussed on how to strengthen the organizational structure of the Race and Religion Protection Committee (Ma Ba Tha) and decided to continue to work for nationalist work, not to allow inter religion marriages and trading with the members of different religions. He said the discussion also included how to implement the policies of Ma Ba Tha and to implement the race and religion protection laws. The 969 movement has changed its name as Winthanu Rakhita group. According to a Muslim resident who live nearby the Youth Sports ground said about 1000 people gathered to listen the Mya Nan Monk’s sermon and it included hate messages against Islam and comments, which can affect the harmony among the members of the different religions. A member of Winthanu Rikhita group said training of the trainer’s course on Buddhist culture will be conducted in Einmei on 9 July and the monk instructed to gather 70 people to join the training. The multiplier course will be conducted down to a small village level.
Resolution added by - nay mg
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