Social media inundated with insulting messages against leaders of Islamic, Christianity and Hindus faiths

Occurred in Myanmar on July 23, 2016 at 2:05 p.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on July 24, 2016 at 4 p.m.
# leaders # Hate Speech # Social Media

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
A Facebook account with the name of Mi Aw has posted a message on 23 July, which includes insults to Islam and other religions. At least 2300 people has liked the post and it was share among the 6000 Facebook users. The post begin with an insulting message against Islam by saying that a footprint of Lord Buddha exists beneath the black rock at the Kabah, the Muslim’s holiest shrine situated in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It went on to say that a sect of Buddhism, Mahayana, which believed in an eternal God, were those who in fact opposed to whatever Lord Buddha had preached. “It would have been better if Mahayana sect has not emerged”. On Hinduism, the post said “even trustees of a Hindu shrine are not aware on what their religion actually is” in other insult it said “women had to take off their clothes when they go in front of Lord Krishna, he was such a flirt”. It said a Chinese monk Farahi (Htan San) has chronicled of the fact that a footprint in Kabah is same as that of Buddha. “Buddhists should also go to Hajj along with the Muslims… if someone ask; they should say we did not come here to come to perform Hajj… but to worship the foot print of Lord Buddha. I advised my Muslim friends not to spend millions of kyats for Hajj, it is same if you go and worship Shwe Sat Taw pagoda (in Myanmar)”. In insult to the Christianity, it said, “…a shepherd like Jesus has claimed himself as a Prophet… and 600 years later Mohamed proclaim himself as Prophet, he must have thought if a shepherd could become a Prophet... I, as a warrior, has more qualifications to be Prophet… that is how senior Jesus and Junior Mohamed were emerged. It continued that “why Mohamed staged Crusade to occupy Christian territories… because he wanted to claim that he is a true Prophet not his senior Jesus”. Reference: Mi Aw Facebook page , 23 July
Resolution added by - sai san
I have also heard this