Illegal building of a Buddhist Pagoda inside Christian Church compound

Occurred in Myanmar on Aug. 30, 2015 at 11:50 a.m.
Reported by nay mg via Internet on Aug. 30, 2015 at 1:25 p.m.
# Religious # church # Christian # Buddhist

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
August 30. Kayin State, Ba-an township, Mizaine village, A Buddhist pagoda was built without permission inside a Church in Hpa-An in Kayin State. The pagoda was built inside the Maesita Karin Church Association. To avoid from religious riots, local people reported the incident to local authority but no legal action was carried out. The incident took place when Myaing Gyi Ngu presiding monk’s followers built a Pagoda since August 21th . The process has been taken out as a presiding monk of Myaing Gyi Nyu has perceived building a pagoda on that place in his vision, said Locals from that region. Despite the church Authorities reported the incident to the local authorities, none of the legal action was carried out. Therefore, through Myanmar Karin Christian Association, Karin National Unity and Peace Council (KUPC) requested the monk of Myaing Gyi Nyu to suspend the construction of the Pagoda, said Mann Aung Pyi Soe, a member of KUPC. The request has been sent to Myaing Gyi Nyu monk since 28 August, but still waiting for a reply, Mann Aung Pyi Soe said. Ref: DVB Burmese
Resolution added by - nay mg
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