A Kayin village issued order to ban Muslims

Occurred in Myanmar on Sept. 4, 2016 at 11:15 a.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on Sept. 4, 2016 at 9:30 p.m.
# Anti-Muslim # Ban # Religious Intolerance

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
The authorities in a village in Kayin State has issued an order to ban Muslims from entering into the village and the order was posted on a signboard erected at the entrance of the village. The head monk of the village and the administrators of Mu Ta Khee village has issued a five points order which are (1) Muslims are not allow to live in Mu Ta Khuu village (2)No to sell land and property to Muslims is prohibited (3) No Kular- a derogatory term used in Myanmar to refer Muslims and south Asian origins-are not allow to travel in the village they will be fined Kyat 100 000 penalty if they do so and if they are found three times the New Generation Youth will decide on the penalty (4) Buddhists are not allow to get married with Muslims if they do so will face banishment along with the parents, and if protest against the decision will have to pay Kyat 100 000 as additional punishment and; (5) If a Muslim is allow to stay without the permission of the village administration and the members of the New Generation of Youths, the home owner will have to pay Kyat 5 million as fine. According to a local resident, a signboard which read Kulars are not allow entering into the village was erected in the Muta Khee village during early September. The local resident said although many Muslims lived in the village previously but many of them have converted. The people from a nearby Kaw Tha Khee village has reported to the Minister of Religious Affairs through an interfaith dialogue group to protest against the order issued in the Mu Ta Khuu village. Many other villages in Kayin State have also declared as Muslim free zone recently, including in the Kaw Sein Ban Aut and Dagaung Bo villages. And in early 2015, a road near Myaing Gyi Ngu waterfall was declared as Muslim free zone. Reference Sources of BHRN
Resolution added by - sai san
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