A full citizen Muslim barred from becoming ward administrator

Occurred in Myanmar on April 28, 2016 at 11:30 a.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on April 29, 2016 at 2:25 p.m.
# Muslim # Racist # Citizen

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
A Muslim man, U Than Aung, said he was barred from taking office as the ward administrator despite of winning the election for the post of administrator for Thakwin village tract in Einme Township. He said the local authorities said his nationality status has prompted disqualification. The Thakwin village tract include 7 villages only two households in Shwebo Su village and 5 in Ye Twin Kone village are of Muslims, the rest are Buddhists. U Than Aung served as the local administrator during 2006 to 2007, during the reign of the State Peace and Development Council, the military junta. He said he is a full citizen and his citizenship scrutiny card number is 12/ Ah Ma Na (Naing) 0334461. He received the majority of votes in the elections for the same post in 2010, but not allowed to take office at that time as well after question raised over his nationality status. “Every time I stand for election I win and every time I win I am rejected. I am facing discriminated for being a Muslim, I will not enter elections next time,” U Than Aung said.
Resolution added by - sai san
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