Chemical fertilizers significantly contributing to the CKDu in Sri Lanka

Occurred in Sri Lanka on Dec. 13, 2021 at 1:39 p.m.
Reported by Saahithiyanan Ganeshanathan via Internet on Dec. 13, 2021 at 1:40 p.m.

This report is Impossible to verify and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
Many researches conducted so far in the country to find out actual causes for CKDu, has not been able to reach a common conclusion or consensus regarding the CKDu. Meanwhile, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa tweeted that chemical fertilizers were contributing a lot to the CKDu. M.C.Jayasinghe, chairman of the Agriculture Graduates` Association of the Sri Lanka Agricultural Service to get their views regarding the connection between chemical fertilizers and the CKDu as well. He stated that there is no sufficient scientific evidence to prove the fact that chemical fertilizers contribute to the CKDu in Sri Lanka. The World Health Organization, WHO, also didn’t agree with the view that Cadmium (Cd) Or Arsenic (As) alone are contributing to the CKDu issues in Sri Lanka. In a report of their international consultation, 2016, they said that clinically characterized CKDu symptoms related to Cd (Cadmium) are different when comparing it with the CKDu prevailing in Sri Lanka. They add that there is no connection between As (Arsenic) level and nephrotoxicity of humans and as alone, it cannot contribute to the CKDu epidemic in Sri Lanka.
Resolution added by - Saahithiyanan Ganeshanathan
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