The secretary of MNN stimulated hate speech for one novice suicide

Occurred in Myanmar on Feb. 8, 2016 at 11:05 a.m.
Reported by nay mg via Internet on Feb. 9, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
# Religious # Hate Speech # MNN

This report is Confirmed false and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
U Naing Win Htun @ Naung Taw Lay, anti-Muslim activist distributed the photo of one 18 year old novice in the Buddhist order named Shin Daywainna was killed with the wound of cutting in the throat with the caption “to interrogate quickly whether that is cruel of Muslim alien nigger” on his Facebook page. Many Facebook user wrote the comments that may be Muslim killed that novice under his hate speech post although there is not any witness for that case and nobody cannot know what happened. That anti-Muslim hate speech post was started distribute at 7:00 PM at February 8 and U Naing Taw Lay wrote again that killing novice was suicide case at 11:00 AM at Feb 9. Patriotic wrote that novice was killed by Muslim on social media although polices said that was suicide case firstly.
Resolution added by - nay mg
I have also heard this