RFDL threaten to attack local Muslims if Buddhist girl not recovered from Muslim suitor

Occurred in Myanmar on April 19, 2015 at noon
Reported by Drew Boyd via Internet on April 19, 2015 at noon
# attack # threaten # Muslim # RFDL # Buddhist

This report is Probably true and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
A Muslim young man and a Buddhist young girl from Meikhtilar Township, fall in love and decided to marry without parents consent. Both left their parents home on 19th April to marry without the consent of their family. However, members of Race and Faith Defence League, who threatened to attack local Muslims if they could not find the couple. The Buddhist girl, Ma Wai Wai Aung, age 24, who live at No.55, Thapyaywa village, Tharsi Township, under Meitkhtilar district and the Muslim man, Maung Thein Zaw (a) Khairun, age 22, who lives at No. 74, Thapyaywa village, Meikhtilar. On 21st April, security forces were deployed after the members of local RFDL were gathered to attack local Muslim. However, next day morning 3 am, the couple was located and took them to the authority. At the presence of parents from both sides, monks from RFDL, local MPs and local authorities, the couple were separated by force and they had to sign that they would never contact each other again. Member of Race and Faith Defence League spread the rumours to exaggerate the issue and the information was spread immediately through the social media.
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
I have also heard this