Bangladeshi Muslims are to attack Myanmar

Occurred in Myanmar on Dec. 5, 2016 at 5:10 p.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on Dec. 6, 2016 at 9:15 a.m.
# attack # rumors # Anti-Rohingya # Facebook

This report is Probably false and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
A Facebook page of Nay Min has featured a post saying that Muslims in Bangladesh were to attack Myanamr. It was posted on the page on 5 December. It was posted together with a video of the protest in Bangladesh on Rohingya issue which was first publish by the Democratic Voice of Burma news agency. Nay Min also wrote fabricated inormation in his post that the Muslims in Bangladesh in colloboration with the terrorist organisation were to launch attack against Myanmar on 18 December. The video was on a demostration infornt of the Myanmar embassy in Dhaka, during which the protestors vowed to go near the border region of the two countries on 18 Decemember to help the Rohingya people if Myanmar government continued to kill the Rohingya people. The propanganda was spread coinciding with hightening tension betweenthe Buddhists and Muslims in Rakhine State in the aftermath of attack on Myanmar security forces in early October. The post received like from 300 other Facebook users and a total of 3000 users have read the post and it was shared among the 200 users. Reference Nay Min Facebook page
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
I have also heard this