Extremist strongly opposed for the publication of calendar about Rohingya and its history

Occurred in Myanmar on Nov. 16, 2015 at 7:35 p.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on Nov. 16, 2015 at 7:35 p.m.
# Rohingya # Ooredoo # Myanmar National Network # Anti Muslim

This report is Confirmed true and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
Nov 16, 2015 Myanmar National Network (MNN), extreme patriotic association, released a declaration letter at Nov 16 about their strongly opposed for the publication of calendar about Rohingya and its history and if government do not take action for that publication, the consequence cases will be the duties of government. In that MNN report, they declared the publication of that calendar named “Mawkon” intends to be racial and religious conflicts, indignity and inveigh to all Myanmar ethnic and infringe the state power. For that Rohingya calendar publication, also the activists for “don’t let vote for white card holders in election” will hold a meeting in these days and they will protest a public demonstration or other ways by the decision of that meeting, wrote U Parmouka, Lead of anti-Muslim 969 movement and Ma Ba Tha, patriotic association of Myanmar and also against Ooredoo telecom company on his facebook page. That calendar publication means to start the fight said U Wiralay (Tatcomb), one monk activist of the patriotic association of Myanmar by his facebook page. The four hot line telephone numbers of Myanmar National Network for that release, one MPT phone and three Telenor phone are end with 969. Those extreme activists was campaign not to use Ooredoo phone because that telecom company is owned by Muslim.
Resolution added by - sai san
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