Protestors against religious extremism facing charges

Occurred in Myanmar on April 27, 2016 at 1:05 p.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on April 28, 2016 at 11:45 a.m.
# Religious # extremism

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
A group of masked youth who stage protest near Hledan market on 26 April against the religious extremism are to face charge by Kamayut township police under article 18 of peaceful assembly and procession act. They were carrying placards denouncing the religious extremism. They also were carrying posters which says “down with religious extremism, stop racial discrimination, everyone has right to exists”. They distributed pamphlets to the people walking on the street. The protest lasted for only 10 minutes and those who included in the protest was still unknown. According to Yangon West District, an investigation is ongoing to find out the identity masked protestors. The masked protestors who denounced religious extremism came under severe criticism from extreme nationalist groups in Myanmar. The criticism against them was posted on the social media.
Resolution added by - sai san
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