A Muslim charity was expelled from Kawlin

Occurred in Myanmar on July 27, 2015 at 11:15 a.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on July 28, 2015 at 1:10 p.m.
# Muslim # MaBaTha

This report is Probably true and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
Local Ma Ba Tha expelled a Mandalay based Muslim charity from Kawlinn Township on July 27th. The reason for the expulsion was the Muslim charity, Cha Mya Thu Kha Parahita, did not get permission from Ma Ba Tha in Kawlinn Township. On 28th July, a prominent monk from Kawlinn Township Ma Ba Tha, Ashin Damma Thiri said, "It is an insult to Ma Ba Tha and they have to inform us" The Muslim charity arrived in Kawlinn with 35 volunteers to help the flood victims and were confronted by a monk from Ma Ba Tha that was also helping the flood victims. Earlier Ma Ba Tha donated a few items to the flood victims and the pictures were spread on social media to target NLD. REF : The Voice Daily July 28. 2015 (p.11)
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
I have also heard this