Anti-Muslim hate speech was distributed from Koh Tao murders case

Occurred in Myanmar on Dec. 27, 2015 at 11:25 a.m.
Reported by sai san via Internet on Dec. 28, 2015 at 10 a.m.
# Politic # Racial

This report is Probably true and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
After two Myanmar youths sentenced to death by the court of Thailand at Koh Tao murders at Dec 24, many Myanmar people protested in many cities at Myanmar and also posted and shared hate speech with photo to take revenge in social media for interpreter of that case who named Kamar, Myanmar citizen Muslim. Anti-Islam activists of Myanmar Patriotic Association and nationalists monks led the protests at Yangon and those people also distributed hate speech at social media. Thailand police station said that protest at Myanmar is related with political incitement. Ref; Moe Lone Hein Chone's Facebook photo.
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
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