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Suspicious probox under the escort of police patrol lorry impounded in Tarassa this has instilled lots of fear to the residents. Dec. 3, 2014 Nov. 12, 2014
A peace committee member from a Pokomo community believed to be a member of MRC has been quoted several times saying on 25th November there will be a feast in Kipao village implieng impending attack Dec. 1, 2014 Nov. 16, 2014
MRC members have camped in Hurara Nov. 18, 2014 Nov. 10, 2014
MRC suspected to have entered Garsen town Nov. 14, 2014 Nov. 10, 2014
A car was burnt down in Minjila following the chaos from the National land commission meeting Nov. 13, 2014 Oct. 22, 2014
Several women who operate as local brewers were attacked by young men with bows and arrows in Dalu area non of them was hurt Nov. 13, 2014 Nov. 5, 2014
One man has been arrested in Kipao and after interrogation confessed to be an MRC who participated in last year killings and had been promised payment but were not paid Nov. 12, 2014 Nov. 10, 2014
Bodaboda rider beaten up by his passengers and his bike stolen near Garsen Nov. 7, 2014 Oct. 31, 2014
Some 14 pupils from Garsen primary School fell down in unknown circumstances and some were rushed to Malindi hospital Nov. 6, 2014 Oct. 30, 2014
Ngao Chief is extending his boundaries to Oda this is an early indicator of conflict in the area Nov. 5, 2014 Nov. 2, 2014
People in Kipao have spent sleepless night due to fear of attack by Ngao residents Nov. 5, 2014 Nov. 4, 2014
A group of MRC gunned down in Mombasa Nov. 5, 2014 Nov. 2, 2014
Doctors in Galili have been threatened by the villagers Nov. 5, 2014 Oct. 21, 2014
Children are not going to school as result of a tussle over a school and land in Kagaro area between the residents of Kagaro, the village elder and chief of Oda and Ngao. Nov. 4, 2014 Sept. 24, 2014
Boda boda thieves arrested by police along Minjila -malindi road Nov. 4, 2014 Oct. 22, 2014
In Dalu Area one Pokomo was attacked in his house by armed Ormas who attempted to shoot and even burn his house Nov. 4, 2014 Nov. 2, 2014
Several cows have been cut by machette in Ngao village Nov. 4, 2014 Nov. 3, 2014
In Masalani Secondary school Cushites girls unleashed war on Pokomo girls beating them thoroughly and assured them that the school is not for the Pokomos .The Pokomo students had to run for there lives Nov. 1, 2014 Oct. 31, 2014
An anticipated church burning by unknown assailants in Garsen center Nov. 1, 2014 Oct. 26, 2014
A Giriama man who was in group of armed Orma was hurt and admitted in Ngao hospital after failed attempt to unroof a house in hemani village. Nov. 1, 2014 Oct. 26, 2014
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