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Delta youth for change group was about to be attacked in Kipao Oct. 9, 2014 Sept. 7, 2014
A white aircraft is seen at one point on the air causing panic among villagers Oct. 7, 2014 Oct. 2, 2014
There is a stranger in Moa who was purchasing goods worth Ksh 10,000 or more from shops daily and residents decided to question him about his origin is when he opened up and said they have camped in nyongoro and abbafarda forest as a group Oct. 7, 2014 Sept. 14, 2014
Armed militia who attacked Pandanguo last month have moved to Kipini and its environs as hiddeout Oct. 2, 2014 Sept. 23, 2014
In Ozi pastoralists are causing lots of problems by grazing on farms forcefully this has led to heightened tensions in the area Oct. 2, 2014 Sept. 22, 2014
Tension high around Kilelengwani caused by a drunk Pokomo Police officer who is threatening residents of revenge attack Sept. 29, 2014 Sept. 28, 2014
6 unidentified dead bodies of Kenyans who've been working in Saudi Arabia arrived in Malindi Airport Sept. 25, 2014 Sept. 23, 2014
Several MRC members linked to recent attacks arrested in mpeketoni Sept. 24, 2014 Sept. 20, 2014
Shifters have attacked Kotile area but no one was hurt after rapid response by security forces Sept. 24, 2014 Sept. 14, 2014
Anticipated Al shabab attacks in different parts of the country due to the recent killing of there leader in Somalia US bombings Sept. 23, 2014 Sept. 5, 2014
In Bandi a man has been spotted with firearms carried in a Sack Sept. 23, 2014 Aug. 15, 2014
A pastoralist was injured at Bandi by Pokomo farmers after he set his cattle to graze on a farmers crops. A revenge mission is said will be carried out soon to compensate for the injured man. Sept. 23, 2014 Aug. 29, 2014
An attack has occurred on 31/8/2014 at Kulesa. Sept. 23, 2014 Aug. 31, 2014
Armed militia spotted in Mnazini towards Abalatiro the villagers are keeping vigil over night Sept. 23, 2014 Sept. 7, 2014
A thief from Malakoteni around 2.00am entered into a cattle shed and stole some animals from Somalis in Garsen was arrested and beaten up handed over to police Sept. 23, 2014 Sept. 8, 2014
An Orma from Onido in Witu used his weapons to threaten some people and stole mobile phones from them Sept. 23, 2014 Sept. 19, 2014
Pastrolists forcefully grazing on peoples farms in Chara location this has led to tensions in the area Sept. 23, 2014 Sept. 1, 2014
armed gang spotted on the eastern part of Mnazini around kotile area of Ijara district Sept. 22, 2014 Sept. 17, 2014
Serious gunshots heard from Oda Sept. 22, 2014 Sept. 21, 2014
Suspicious helicopters purported to be with a hidden agenda seen around Tana Delta area. Sept. 21, 2014 Sept. 10, 2014
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